Emergency Preparedness/Environmental Services
Emergency Preparedness/Environmental Services strives to promote health and quality of life by preventing or controlling those diseases or deaths that result from interactions between people and their environment.
Emergency Preparedness
Towner County Public Health has protocols to distribute medications and administer vaccine to the general public during a public health emergency. Distribution sites would be announced at the time of the emergency.
Volunteers are crucial and needed to help during these emergencies by answering phones, directing traffic and performing other tasks. No medical experience is needed. To volunteer, call your public health unit today or visit North Dakota Department of Health.
Environmental Services
Environmental Services are contracted through Lake Region Public Health Unit. Environmental Services include but are not limited to: Childcare inspections, septic systems, vector control, private residence evaluation, nuisance complaints, body art establishment licensing, air and water quality and school inspections.
To report food safety concerns or questions, contact:
(701) 328-1291 or Toll Free at 1(800) 472-2927
The page to the 2013 FDA Model Food Code:
For more information go to:
Lake Region District Health Unit (701-662-7035)
North Dakota Department of Health (Environmental Health)
Radon is a gas that you cannot see, feel, smell, or taste that is produced by nature. Radon can get into your house through cracks in the floor or basement walls. It can also get in through drains in the floor or through the openings around pipes. Radon can make you sick by causing damage in your lungs. You can test your home for radon by contacting us for a free radon test kit.
For more information on Emergency Preparedness/Environmental Services contact us by phone or email on our main page.