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Welcome to the Towner County Courthouse 


County Meetings & Event Calendar

County Commissioners Meeting
12/05/24  8:00AM
Location: Towner County Commissioners Meeting Room (Downstairs).

County Commissioners Meeting
01/07/25  8:00AM
Location: Towner County Commissioners Meeting Room (Downstairs).

Closed - Christmas Eve/Day

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Measure 4-2.jpg

Click icon link below to pay your property taxes

Certified Payments Logo.jfif

If you have tax questions or concerns, please call our Treasurer's department at 701-968-4347


Once you have clicked on 'Certified Payments' to pay your property taxes, please know that there is a Convenience Fee of 2.45% of the transaction amount with a minimum fee

of $2.00 that is applied to all credit card payments.

If paying online with an electronic check there is a convenience fee of $1.25.


Steps for Paying your Property Taxes:


1. Click Continue (green button)


2. Enter payment amount and parcel number. Click Bank card or Electronic check. 


3. Enter address information and click continue, enter billing address or click box for same address then click continue. 


4. Enter bank card or banking information and finish your payment. 

Towner County Hazard Mitigation Plan Available for Comments

The draft of the Towner County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan is available for review by the public.  Please feel free to review the plan and respond with comments to Lori Beck, Towner County Emergency Manager at 701-968-4366 or lbeck@nd.govHazard Mitigation Plan

Towner County is on OnX 

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